Saturday, September 08, 2007

Starfish Throwers are the Reason we Market Himalayan Goji Juice

Starfish Throwers, Fred Rogers and Himalayan Goji Juice

Greetings everyone - wow what a wonderful day! I just returned from a walk on the golf course right behind our house. I talked to a couple of gents who were setting up a drink machine on the 14th tee getting ready for a tournament. Everyday is a new day and an opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. We never know who it may be, that's just part of the excitement of sharing Himalayan Goji Juice with others.
The point is if each day is not an exciting adventure of sorts, well you could use a wakeup call. When you're trying to make a difference like in sharing Himalayan Goji Juice with others, you're in effect planting seeds. Some of those seeds will bear tremendous fruit, others will lie dormant for many years before taking root, other seeds will simply die. Here's the rub though, you don't know which seeds will grow and which ones won't. So you just keep planting seeds, never knowing whose life you'll make a tremendous difference with, just like the starfish in the story below.

The following is a letter from Ray Faltinsky CEO of Freelife.

It's You I Like

Dear Friends,

You've all heard the story.

It is powerful in its simplicity and its message.

Every afternoon, the young boy walked along the beach where he lived. One day, he noticed that when the tide went out, there were many starfish left stranded on the beach, only to die before the water returned.

The young boy began to pick them up and throw them back into the water. There were so many. However, he did what he could.

One day, an old man walking the beach paused and observed the boy as he threw the starfish back into the ocean. He confronted him and asked him what he was doing. The boy did not answer. The old man turned him around to look down the beach where there were thousands of stranded starfish.

"You'll never make a difference," he said. "There are just too many. Forget about them. Just enjoy your day."

Purposely, the young boy reached down and picked up another starfish. With all of his might he threw it as far as he could into the ocean. Then, he turned to face the old man. As he looked into his eyes he said, "I made a difference for that one."

What a wonderful message that is. You can be the difference that makes a difference!

You can touch someone no one else can. You can show kindness, listen to someone, share a burden, try to understand. You can give the goodness of Himalayan Goji Juice, and the opportunity for financial freedom.

Some of us have even forgotten the thrill of receiving an unexpected letter. There is a sense of eagerness and anticipation as you open the envelope, wondering what is inside, and who has taken time to write you.

I have been so fortunate to have people write to me—people that I have only met once, or perhaps not at all. They have come to one of our Conventions or other meetings. This unexpected treasure came to me several months ago from a young FreeLife Family member. Let me share it with you.

Dear Mr. Raymond,
I love your hair. And, I think you are a really nice man and funny, too. When I am old enough I am going to be with those other leaders on the stage. I am going to hug you because I know that Himalayan Goji Juice is good and I tell everyone about it. I am 14 years old. I wish I was older but I am not. I am going to help people.

There is a fourteen-year-old "difference maker." This little girl is a "starfish thrower." She is going to be the difference that makes a difference. Her short letter inspired me and made me want to do better.

We have so many difference makers in FreeLife. Their service often goes unnoticed because some think, "There are so many starfish, you can never make a difference." The truth is that we always make a difference one person at a time.

You may never know the extent of your influence, or the reach of your service. However, I promise you they will know. Your willingness to help will never go unnoticed.

One of the great starfish throwers was a wonderful man named Fred Rogers. His television program, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, sent a message of love and service to generations of children.

On one occasion, a little boy in a wheelchair was in the audience. Mr. Rogers went to him and knelt beside him. "Why are you in a wheelchair?" he asked. The little boy said, "Because I was in an accident that broke my spinal cord."

Mr. Rogers said, "What would you like me to do?" The little boy said, "Will you sing with me the song, 'It's You I Like'?"

So together, Mr. Rogers and a little boy sang the words Fred Rogers had written and sang so many times:

It's you I like.
It's not the things you wear,
It's not the way you do your hair—
But it's you I like.

The way you are right now,
The way down deep inside you—
Not the things that hide you,
Not your toys—
They're just beside you.

It's you ... I ... Like!

Thank you for continuing to serve others, and for being the difference that makes a difference.


Latest Goji Juice Info – Check it out Man!

The first one below is a video of doctors discussing Goji Juice:

Doctors Discussing Goji Juice - Click Here!

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