Saturday, April 08, 2006

Health, Nutrition Living and More Tips Plus Himalayan Goji Juice

Greetings all – something a little different here, some cool health, nutrition plus other tips to make your life easier. I think you’ll like these.

SEX FOR GOUT SUFFERERS -- Having sex prevents men from getting gout. Gout is caused by high blood levels of uric acid that can crystallize to form painful deposits in joints. Increased sexual activity reduces uric acid levels in fertile men.

NOBODY MOVE! -- To find a contact lens lost in a carpet, place a nylon
stocking over the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner and carefully vacuum the area. The lens will be pulled up onto the stocking.

HOTTER THE BETTER? -- Chilies contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Fresh green chilies provide more vitamin C than oranges.

MILK TIP -- Don't keep milk out on the table while you're eating a meal. Milk's shelf life is reduced by 50% for every 5 degrees it rises in temperature above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

PAP FOR WOMEN -- Pap smear tests detect about 95% of cervical can cers, usually in the pre-can-cerous stages when likelihood of a cure is greatest. For the best results, the test should be scheduled between the 12th and the 16th day of a woman's menstrual cycle.

EGG HEALTH -- If an egg cracks while you're boiling it, remove it from the water, pour salt on the crack, then return the egg to the water. The salt will seal the crack.

GOOD FOR YOUR HEART -- If you use margarine, choose brands that list a liquid vegetable oil as the first ingredient, and that have no more than 2 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon.

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT -- Acting wisely after an automobile accident can protect you from being victimized by false claims. Count the number of passengers in the other car and get their names, telephone numbers and driver's license numbers. Sometimes people who weren't in the car will file injury reports. Carry a disposable camera in your car and use it to take pictures of the other car and its passengers.

JUICE NEWS -- Oranges stored at room temperature yield twice as much juice as those stored in the refrigerator.

SAFE COOKING -- A few tips to reduce your chances of coming down with a food-borne illness, such as salmonella: At the grocery store, bag raw meat separately from other foods, especially produce. Wash fruits and vegetables before eating them and rinse meat before cooking. Wash your hands, knives and cutting boards before and after handling food. Defrost food in the microwave or refrigerator, not on the counter. Cook meat thoroughly. Don't stuff poultry. Wash your sponges in the dishwasher periodically.

I highly encourage you to check out the amazing Himalayan Goji Juice. Research has shown that many of the world's longest living people consume regular daily helpings of a tiny red fruit that may just be the world's most powerful anti-aging nutrition health food—the goji berry.

Himalayan Goji Juice and Berry Resources

Facts and More About Himalayan Goji Juice

Himalayan Goji Juice The Number 1 Best Tasting, Fastest Growing, Most Nutrient Dense Juice in the World!